Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 120

   Matt ran home. He couldn’t believe that Aaron had suggested playing strip Twister. The mere thought was arousing. He had spent the past four years convincing himself that the events then had been an anomaly. There was no way he could visit Aaron’s home. No way at all. He would just pretend that nothing had happened. He’d gotten very good at that. His body protested his decision.
   Meghan was waiting for him in her room when he got home. “Meghan, we need to talk.”
   “Sure, Dad.”
   “I want you to know that I can’t publically support your chosen lifestyle.”
   “It’s not a choice. I didn’t choose to love her. It’s the way I am.”
   “I know, but I’ll have to disown if you go through with it.”
   “I love her. We’re getting married and that’s the end of it.”
   “Meghan, honey, you’ll break your mother’s heart.”
   “My mother doesn’t have a heart. I’ll be better off without her. Abby’s parents love me. That’s all that matters.”

   Matt was silent. He hated trying to talk her out of this. His back ached with the memory of his father ‘correcting’ his deviant behavior. “I just don’t want to see you hurt.”
   “I’ll hurt more by pretending to be someone I’m not. I know it won’t be easy, but it feels like the right thing to do for me. Please try to understand, Dad,” Meghan pleaded.
   Matt slowly walked out the door. If Ariel had her way, Matt would never see his daughter again. Never see his grandchildren. Silent tears streaked his face as he mourned all the memories he would never have. He wasn’t brave enough, strong enough to walk away from his life and start new. Walking away had broken Austin, he hoped that it wouldn’t break Meghan.



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