Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 116

   Aaron glanced over the morning newspaper. It had been two years since his brief fling with his brother-in-law, Matt. Their friendship had become strained because of that. Also, Ariel’s fanaticism about the color purity issue made Aaron uncomfortable. It was getting harder and harder to pretend to agree with her. He loved his boyfriends and didn’t care that they were not purples. It didn’t matter to him that only one of his children was pure purple. A brief article in the local news section caught his eye.
“Unknown male found dead of an overdose in an alley behind a notorious sex club. He was discovered by police in the course of another investigation. Authorities are asking anyone who can identify him to please step forward.”

   Aaron paled as he studied the man’s face. It was his brother Austin.
   “Hey, Aaron, are you okay?” Onyx asked noticing his expression.
   In reply, Aaron shoved the paper toward him. Onyx looked at the photo puzzled. “Do you know him?”
   “Yes, I think it’s my younger brother, Austin.”
   “Are you sure? You’ve only met him once.”
   “Pretty sure.”
   “Do you want me to go with to identify him?”
   Aaron shook his head. If Onyx went with him, everyone at the station would assume that they were a couple. The last thing Aaron wanted was to be outed by the police. The law permitted mixed-color relationships, in theory, but there were plenty of cops who privately supported the pure color movements. Aaron had been arrested a few times demonstrating for the PPP. It would be a major scandal if he was found consorting with someone of another color.
   Aaron slowly walked up the steps to the police department. It wouldn’t be easy for him to do this, but Austin deserved a decent burial. Also, Aaron suddenly remembered there was a child to think about.
   “Can I help you, sir?” The desk sergeant asked.
   “Yes. I’m here to identify a body,” Aaron nervously responded.
   “Which one?”
   Aaron showed him the newspaper photo. “I think it’s my brother.”
   The man smiled sympathetically and got another officer to escort him to the morgue.
   The coroner pulled back the sheet so Aaron could look at the face. He studied it. “I think that’s him.”
   “You think?”
   “Well, I only met him once a couple of years ago. He was born after I left home and I’m estranged from my parents, so…” He shrugged.
   “Would you object to a DNA test?”
   Aaron shook his head. The sample was collected within minutes and Aaron made arrangements for the body to be transported to a mortuary. He also let the police know that Austin had been pregnant when he’d seen him last. The detective assured him that they would look for the child. All in all, it had been a stressful day and he was glad to get home.


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